The Robber Crab
In addition to being the largest land-dwelling arthropod on the planet and the largest land-dwelling arthropod in the world, the coconut crab is also referred to as the “robber crab” or the “palm thief.” in some cultures. The Indian and Pacific Oceans are the most common places where this species can be found, with island populations in the Indian and Pacific Oceans being the most common. The Indian and Pacific Oceans have the highest concentrations of this species. At maturity, this uncommon species can grow to be one meter in length and weigh only a little more than ten pounds when completely matured. These crabs are highly sought after due to the fact that their meat is regarded as scrumptious and can easily be distinguished from the meat of other crabs.
Literally Batman
Tropical fruit bats, also known as flying foxes or fruit bats, are around the size of a man, despite the fact that they eat a wide variety of objects in their natural environment, including fruits and plants, as well as insects and other small creatures. For the most part, these bats rely on vision rather than echolocation to survive, which is a surprising fact considering their nocturnal habits.