American Girl
To this day, American Girl dolls remain popular in the United States. If you happen to own an antique one, you might be in for thousands of dollars! Pleasant Company creates this toy, which in turn was founded by Pleasant Rowland in 1986. At first, they were only mail-order deals. In 1998, Mattel purchased the brand and made the dolls more accessible. The production went up with the demand, and they are now made in Germany. The accessories, however, are produced in China. These parts are assembled in Wisconsin.

American Girl
Crayola Crayons
Many people remember using Crayola art supplies when they were kids. The company sells colored pencils, chalk, crayons, markers, and Silly Putty. Founded in 1885, the company used to be called Binney & Smith. The offerings were initially industrial material such as black carbon and red iron oxide for building paints. In 1905, it started to make crayons on the regular. Eleven years after that, the company bought the Munsell Color Co. product line. The products are all made in the U.S.

Crayola Crayons