Radio Flyer
Up next, we have another toy company! The headquarters of Radio Flyer is located in Chicago and is best known for the red toy wagon. It would be a disservice not to talk about its bikes, ride-ons, trikes, and toy horses as well. The founding location remains its headquarters. In 2004, the company claimed to be “a Chicago brand.” However, most of the scooters, tricycles, and toys are made in China. The only exception would be the plastic red wagon since it is made in the Wisconsin factory. In celebration of its eightieth anniversary, the company made the biggest wagon in the world!

Radio Flyer
Louisville Sluggers
Hillerich & Bradsby owns the Louisville Slugger Company, but the parent company is Louisville Slugger. The company headquarters is found in Kentucky and comes with an attached museum. This baseball bat maker has been in the industry since 1855 and was bought out by Wilson in 2015. In the past, the company also made military supplies and provided the military with rifle wooden stock and billy clubs. Louisville also bought a lumber company in Pennsylvania called Larimer & Norton so that it can obtain the proper supplies for its products.

Louisville Sluggers