Gerber is one of the major players in the baby food brand market in the United States. Now owned by Nestle, the company has headquarters in both America and Luxembourg. Even though there are local factories, it only makes baby formulas over there. The factories in China make the solid food. All eight flavors of Nutripuff products are made overseas! In 2019, Nestle actually spent 100 million Chinese yuan or $14,055,010 to open a new Nutriff plant. The company called this an “important milestone” for the “localization” of the brand.

Post-it Sticky Notes
Fun fact: the invention of the Post-it happened by accident. Dr. Spencer Silver made a low-tack and reusable adhesive, but nobody wanted to use a solution. He tried to look for another way to use it by anchoring a bookmark on a hymn book! It worked to stick the two items together, so he combined the adhesive and paper to create the Post-it as we now know it. He first issued free samples until the demand grew so strong that the company turned a huge profit. With headquarters in Cynthiana, Kentucky, the company has 27 official Post-it colors at the moment.

Post-It Sticky Notes