The Garage Is Suffering From Money Issues
If you watch the TV show, you might notice how much Koker and the team discuss the pressing need to flip cars. It is easy to assume that they are in a rush because they need money. However, they are not at all worried about going under or anything like that. As a matter of fact, Count’s Kustoms does well. They rake in a lot of money thanks to the show. On top of that, Koker has his restaurant and tattoo parlor.

The Garage Is Suffering From Money Issues
Danny Koker Does Not Run The Operation
In the show, it might not feel like Danny Koker is the bass at Count’s Kustoms. As a matter of fact, Kevin Mack seems to be in charge of everything in Counting Cars. He is the shop manager and gets seen discussing projects and laying out budgets with Koker. While the Count might not seem like he has a lot of input, he is the owner of the shop and the producer of the show. He is the boss around there!

Danny Koker Does Not Run The Operation