Celebrities Casually Drop By With No Warning
There are a couple of celebrities who have appeared on the TV show. Among others, Danny Koker worked on the car of Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. There was also a time when the Count met Andy Ross, who dropped by to get enhancements. They were not random incidents as they made it seem. In reality, they invite celebrities to guest star on the show for a promotional deal. In fact, they get money for this.

Celebrities Casually Drop By With No Warning
The Members Of The Team Are Truly Crazy
It is not unusual for reality TV shows to have a crazy cast of characters. This is also true for this program. In fact, there are lots of nutty folks who show up at the garage. There is Mike Henry, also known as Horn Mike. He works as an airbrush artist but got his moniker for the horns on the bandanas he wears. If you ever visit the shop when they are not taping, you will realize that they are just personas for the show.

The Members Of The Team Are Truly Crazy