His Feelings About Environmental Rules And Regulations
Just like other gearheads out there, Danny Koker is not the biggest fan of environmental rules and regulations for vehicles. If you watch the show, you must know just how much he complains about using a modern part instead of a classic piece to meet these laws. He would go on rants about how environmentalism is a game played by politicians. Basically, he does not think that it is a big deal. There is a good chance that he plays this up to pander to all the motorheads watching the show.

His Feelings About Environmental Rules And Regulations
The Reason Behind The Departure Of Scott Jones
In the first season to the third one, Scott Jones was a staple on the reality TV show. As the money manager of the auto shop, he played a big role in what was going on. He left the show on a strange note in the third season. The grapevine says that he had been caught embezzling money! In reality, he only opened his own garage. Koker only wanted to add more drama to the story than there really was.

The Reason Behind The Departure Of Scott Jones