They Know The Story Of Each Car That Comes In
Each time that the team fixes up a car, they dive into its backstory. While it might sound like they know a lot about it, the stories they tell are not always factual. There was an episode that involved the discovery of an abandoned Chevrolet in poor condition. The cat got out of the bag through the internet. Fans learned the truth of its origins, which was not like what they said. The show has a tendency to tweak the stories so that they would be more interesting and appealing to the people who watch.

They Know The Story Of Each Car That Comes In
The Conversations Are Completely Natural
Danny Koker and the team had been working together for several years by now. You would think that they have a friendly rapport at the very least. The truth is that the conversations between them are all staged. Yes, even the jokes and arguments were planned ahead of time. The editing takes a toll on this since it turns the dialogue so clean that it sounds insincere. This is why they do not sound natural.

The Conversations Are Completely Natural