We all know that garlic is a supposedly effective way to keep vampires away, but are you aware that it boasts of heart-boosting components as well? Apart from the fact that it will make your meals that much better, it also helps bring down blood pressure and reduces the plaque in the arteries. On top of that, garlic also lowers blood vessel-constricting enzymes in the body. Even just consuming it in pill form will bring down the plaque build-up in the arteries as much as 50%.

Red Wine
Your favorite way to unwind after a long day or spice up a dish you are cooking can actually be good for your heart! Who would have thought that consuming red wine in moderation would help you avoid going to the doctor too often. You will be glad to hear that experts claim drinking it in moderation will lead to better HDL levels and lessen the risk for cholesterol buildup. Red wine comes with antioxidants that prevent both heart disease as well as the formation of blood clots by ensuring your blood vessels are flexible.

Red Wine