Unclear Explanations
There was also some indefinite information that was not clear when it came to portraying the exact appearance of Jesus. Approximately a century ago, many artists made use of a poetic license and diverse kinds of imagery to create their desired portrait. Additionally, some artists did not only depict their desired representation, but they also created their personal style on that day to convey their own illustrative meaning.

Unclear Explanations
The Good Shepherd
Figurative artists created images of Jesus in the meadows while there was a lot of sheep. The concept comes from the idea of trying to show the Messiah “the good shepherd.” This implies that he was the shepherd of his people. If one was a shepherd, it showed a good appearance for a leader. People would follow his lead despite that the image of Jesus was painted during the age of the early Roman times. Several images were discovered in the city of Rome which has said to be remote from the homeland of Jesus.

The Good Shepherd