A Soy-Riddled World
Fashion evolves alongside the passage of time. So while we understand why people of a previous generation may be offended by how some people dress today, we don’t understand the reasons given by this commenter.

A Soy Riddled World
It’s a little strange how soy or tofu has influenced parents’ ability to manage their children’s fashion choices. But, according to our research, tofu is a great vegan and vegetarian substitute and has nothing to do with Satan.
Say No to Halloween
Every individual has the right to practice his or her own religion and belief. With that in mind, some great battles are often fought by people who say bad things about other people’s beliefs on social media.

Say No To Halloween
Has anybody ever wondered what happened to the phrase ‘love thy neighbor?” People who get too offended by others’ viewpoints and personal views need to get off their high horses, take a chill pill, and let everyone else have their fun!