What’s in Pizza?
We don’t know what this mother is implying, but it doesn’t sound good. It’s perfectly normal for children to act rambunctious and energic after eating pizza. It’s one of the most delectable foods available, and it has the power to turn people’s frowns around.

What’s In Pizza?
That means three people sent the laughing emoji in response to this post, which makes sense because of this post. But, to tell you the truth, we would laugh because it’s a completely senseless and childish thing to do.
New Years Cheer
Everyone needs to set goals for themselves, and this lady has a long list! She appears to be adamant about living her life her way, but why did she post this in a mommy group? If you ask us, this appears to be an attention-seeking move.

New Years Cheer
This would have been acceptable if she had inquired about how to deal with her children’s disagreements. Perhaps she’ll figure out how to help her children deal with their own personal beliefs. Instead, however, it appears to be nothing more than a pointless rant.