Watch Your Step
While we are not passing judgment on other parents’ methods, a little common sense goes a long way when something like this occurs. If your child has had a concussion, the oil will be ineffective. While this may reduce discomfort, the underlying problem is more inside.

Watch Your Step
Uncertain of what to do, this mother took to social media and sought advice from other mothers. Fortunately, the other mothers appeared more rational and suggested that she take the child to the emergency room.
Trying to Stay Positive
Each of us has dreams, and sometimes those dreams require sacrifice. However, when making sacrifices, it is important to ensure that they do not harm others.

Trying To Stay Positive
Taking money from your child’s college fund seems a little irresponsible in this case. However, we’ll try to keep a positive attitude and cross our fingers that this business venture succeeds. Otherwise, this poor kid will be saddled with college debt for the rest of his life.