His Metal Detector Led Him To An Ancient Chain, But What Was It Connected To?

Published on 05/25/2021

He First Found A Small And Round Object

In the past, he had used the metal detector in the same spot. He only dug up a couple of old pennies that did not count for much. He did not find old currency or animal remains this time, however. Mike instead found a small round object. With great care, he lifted it out of the dirt. It looked like a coin, but he was not sure if it was one. He rubbed the dirt off it, which allowed him to look at the engraving on it.

He First Found A Small And Round Object

He First Found A Small And Round Object


No Time To Dwell On It For Too Long

Confused, he tried to look at it from every angle imaginable as he tried to figure out what it was. One side had a figure carved into it, while there was a message of some kind on the other one. Mike could tell that it was not a coin since a ring was attached at the top. It looked like it had been connected to a clip or chain in the past. He did not analyze it for too long as he then saw something else in the dirt.

No Time To Dwell On It For Too Long

No Time To Dwell On It For Too Long