His Metal Detector Led Him To An Ancient Chain, But What Was It Connected To?

Published on 05/25/2021

It Would Not Budge No Matter What

The next object he found was totally stuck in the dirt. He had to put down the shovel and use his hands to dig it out. He hoped that his fingers could gain leverage on it, whatever it was. Sadly, it still would not budge. He even crouched down and sat back on the balls of his heels in the hopes of getting a better grip. It did not work. He could tell that it was caked deep in the mud. Luckily, he refused to give up.

It Would Not Budge No Matter What

It Would Not Budge No Matter What


The Ground Did Not Give It Up Easily

It did not matter how hard he pulled because the object just would not give. What confused him was that the rusty chunk of metal did not look heavy from where he was standing. Mike tried to change things up by getting down on his knees and clearing the soil that surrounded the object. By doing that, he hoped to loosen the dirt enough to be able to pull it out. Sadly, it still did not work. He must have been feeling very frustrated at that point. The ground did not want to give up the treasure easily! Let us find out what he did after that.

DEU, Germany, Dortmund, Archaeology. Here: Excavating Works

The Ground Did Not Give It Up Easily