A toy like the Lite-Brite that made use of your imagination never goes out of style in the toy market. This item was first introduced in the ’60s but is still quite popular today. People are delighted to play with the Lite-Brite because the designs you could create with its colorful lights is just endless! For a child who gets to play with this toy, they get a proud moment after creating a beautiful artwork that their parents commend. This product is still available as of this moment but its vintage edition is definitely worth a ton, with a collector’s price at $150!

Lite Brite
This may be a strange one but many children from the Pogs era can tell you about this toy and how you play with it, but nobody really seems to have the answer as to where it came from and how it came to be. A theory is that this game originated from Hawaii about a hundred of years ago. But we can’t make sure that’s true. What we are certain of is that a full set of Pogs can be sold for around $250!
