Pretty Pretty Princess
This was the perfect game that every little girl could use as an excuse to get away from their brother, and was also the chance to wear fake jewelry all over your body! As a little girl fond of Princesses, one couldn’t resist to wear a Tiara –even if it’s fake. The point of the Pretty Pretty Princess game was to deck yourself up in royal wear –something that every girl in America loved. Today an original version could probably score you over $100 since it has become a very rare item.

Pretty Pretty Princess
Polly Pocket
Every young girl wanted to have their own Polly Pocket! We totally understand them. Who couldn’t resist a doll with a house that transforms into an on-the-go carry on? It was a very advanced toy during the year 1989 when it was first released and was sold for $10. This carry on toy idea was then bought by Mattel (yes, the company behind Barbie), and several changes have been made to improve it. Today, the originals are worth a ton, and one was even sold for $13,000!

Polly Pocket