Ariana Grande
Which celebrities are the top 10 meanest? The first name on the top ten list is Ariana Grande. Dan O’Connor wrote on his blog in 2014 about how disrespectful Ariana Grande was to his two daughters. Jen and Kelly, the man’s children, had created a drawing of Ariana to win a design contest.
But the singer was not at much taken aback. She didn’t smile as she approached the two little fans, and according to their father, each interaction lasted no longer than 15 seconds.

Ariana Grande
Jared Leto
This allegedly occurred during a concert by Leto’s band, Thirty Seconds to Mars, in Brazil. Leto had invited the crowd to join in on the song. The famous singer quickly understood that one of the audience members was having trouble with the words. Flip her the bird was his response.

Jared Leto