A Family Of Singers
The McEntire’s are a family of singers. They even had a group named the Singing McEntires which used to consist of the McEntires children – Reba, Pike, Alice, and Susie. All of them inherited their mother’s talent in singing. The Singing McEntires used to perform in different events all over the town. Well, among all of them, Reba was the one who played the most in her school.

A Family Of Singers
Becoming Miss Ford Country
Winning a contest that Ford held in their town was one of Reba’s most significant achievements in life. It was an essay writing contest and having the opportunity to drive the latest Ford car for six months was the prize for the winner. Being the talented and wise person that she has always been, Reba snatched the first place. She really maximized the opportunity of owning a Ford for half a year – she shared that for six months, she managed to drive a total of 18,000 miles.

Becoming Miss Ford Country