Taking The Bus
Alex absolutely despised the relentless reality of having to rely on the bus for his daily commute to work. The conundrum escalated during peak hours when the bustling atmosphere inside the bus seemed to reach insurmountable levels of chaos. Unfortunately, no alternative modes of transportation were available to alleviate this predicament. Alex’s empathy extended to his fellow bus riders, particularly the elderly, who endured the same arduous journey, each with their unique struggles and challenges.
Falling Often
The ride had a lot of twists and turns, with each unexpected movement making it increasingly challenging to maintain balance. Most of the elderly individuals on the bus wisely opted for a seated position, seeking stability amidst the ever-changing motions. However, on this particular day, a courageous woman defied the norm, choosing to stand near the entrance. Her determination to remain on her feet, despite the relentless sways and jolts, painted a vivid picture of her struggle.