The Neighbors Were Surprised To See The Cat Stealing The Dog’s Puppies

Published on 06/15/2020

Going Through Difficult Time

Just like humans, animals also have emotions – in fact, they could even get more emotional than humans. After all of her children passed away, Miss Kitty was devastated. Even though she could not describe how she was feeling, her sadness was evident through her gestures – her behavior changed a lot. It was very difficult for her owners to see her like that. 

Going Through Difficult Time

Going Through Difficult Time


Another Animal Goes into Labor

A few weeks after Miss Kitty’s loss, news flew around the neighborhood that a dog was about to give birth. Her name was Smoochie. She was a black Cocker Spaniel. Just like Miss Kitty’s owners, the dog’s owners did their best in order to make their dog’s pregnancy a safe one. Everyone in the neighborhood was silently praying for her labor to be safe and successful. 

Another Animal Goes Into Labor

Another Animal Goes Into Labor