The Neighbors Were Surprised To See The Cat Stealing The Dog’s Puppies

Published on 06/15/2020

She Heard Something

One day, Smoochie’s children were crying all of their hearts out – maybe because of the lack of affection and care they were getting from their mother. The crying sound could be heard outside of their house and someone heard it clearly – it was Miss Kitty. She was wandering around the neighborhood until she heard a bunch of puppies crying which made her stop from walking. 

She Heard Something

She Heard Something


Little Puppies

With what happened to her, Miss Kitty was obviously very eager to become a mother. Hearing that crying sound coming from a trailer, she definitely knew that it was coming from a bunch of puppies that were in pain. Without second thoughts, she immediately planned the thing she would do next. 

Little Puppies

Little Puppies