The White Stripes, Lafayette Blues (1998)
They only made 15 copies of Lafayette Blues by The White Stripes. They were all unique since the covers had been hand-painted by Dave Buick of Italy Records. Side B comes with “Sugar Never Tasted So Good.” They made it when the band was starting out. If you paid $6 for it then, it is now worth $12.7k!

The White Stripes, Lafayette Blues (1998)
Stonewall, Stonewall (1976)
Do not worry if the name does not ring a bell. The ‘70s psychedelic hard rock band did not sign with a record label but got a release when a mob-operated tax scam pressed this record. They wrote off the records as unsold to keep the parent label “Roulette” afloat. A copy of this record is now worth $14k.

Stonewall, Stonewall (1976)