Röyksopp, Melody A.M. (2001)
The Norwegian electronic duo debuted with this record. It was a hit both critically and commercially. Röyksopp enjoyed lots of success in the United States after Geico used “Remind Me” for an ad. This pressing with 100 copies has a Banksy stencil rendition and goes for $14,204 these days. Whoa.

Röyksopp, Melody A.M. (2001)
The Beatles, Yesterday and Today (1966)
The original cover of the album shows the Beatles wearing butcher’s costumes holding up headless dolls and carrying raw meat on their laps. As you can imagine, people did not like it. Capitol Records paid out $250k to buy the 750,000 copies but failed to get them all. A copy is now worth $15,300.

The Beatles, Yesterday and Today (1966)