Even though Ford was founded in America, it feels more accurate to call it a multinational company. Like Chevy, it brags about being American-made. The Detroit plants operate the entire year, but the parts are also made in China. There are also factories in pretty much every single country out there. Many parts are made in China and then imported to the United States for assembly in Detroit. The parts of the cars and trucks mostly come from a hundred suppliers. Germany supplies the transmissions. There are certain models that are as much as 90% made in America, but most are much lower than this.

Benjamin Moore Paint
Paint company Benjamin Moore & Co. has consistently ranked as one of the “greenest” companies in the United States. The paint is environment-friendly, which makes it good for both the planet and people with asthma and allergies. The company was launched in Brooklyn back in 1883. Back then, it only made Moore’s Prepared Calsom Finish and sold it via independent retailers. This all changed when the paint supplier started doing the production in-house. Berkshire Hathaway is the current owner of the company. At the moment, the headquarters are located in Montvale, New Jersey.

Benjamin Moore Paint