The Neighbors Were Surprised To See The Cat Stealing The Dog’s Puppies

Published on 06/15/2020

Not Interested

Smoochie’s owners were very pleased by the puppies’ presence. However, after the dog’s labor, they noticed that Smoochie was not showing any affection to her children. At first, they tried to ignore it and just thought that it was normal. After a few days, they became really bothered by the fact that Smoochie was not even coming close to her children. Well, she was still very young – that was why her detachment to her kids was kind of reasonable. 

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Not Interested


Still the Same

They had nothing else to do but just hope that Smoochie would overcome her disinterest someday and finally show some love to her children. A few days had already passed and the dog’s owners were expecting some change in Smoochie’s attitude towards the puppies. Everything was still the same – Smoochie was still distant to her children. 

Still The Same

Still The Same